Move an Action Call to a New Location within the Parent Action
Source code
'This example starts OpenText Functional Testing, opens a new test, and adds a new action, which calls a second action.
'Then it edits the first action's script to move the call to the second action to a new position in the script,
'validates the syntax of the new script, defines some action parameters, and uploads the
'modified action script.

' Dim qtApp, ActionContent, ActionName, ActionDescr, NewAction, SecondAction, script
Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") ' Create the application object
qtApp.Visible = True
ActionContent = "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""1"").Click" & vbCrLf & "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""+"").Click" & vbCrLf & "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""+"").Click" & vbCrLf & "Window(""Calculator"").WinButton(""="").Click"
ActionDescr = "A new sample action for the test."
ActionName = "Action" + CStr(qtApp.Test.Actions.Count + 1)

'Add a new action at the beginning of the test

Set NewAction = qtApp.Test.AddNewAction(ActionName, ActionDescr, ActionContent, False, 1) 'qtAtBegining = 1

'Add another action and call it from the begining of the action that was just added above.
ActionContent = "Function f1(str)" & vbCrLf & vbTab & "msgbox str" & vbCrLf & "End Function"
ActionName = "Action" + CStr(qtApp.Test.Actions.Count + 1)
Set SecondAction = NewAction.AddNewAction(ActionName, ActionDescr, ActionContent, True, qtAtBegining)
'Use the Load Script function to store the content of the first new action into the script array
script = Load_Script(NewAction.GetScript())
'Move Call to the action to another script line
script = Move_CallAction(script, SecondAction.Name, UBound(script))
'Convert script array to the text
ActionContent = Save_Script(script)
'Set new script source to the action

scriptError = NewAction.ValidateScript(ActionContent)
If Len(scriptError) = 0 Then
    NewAction.SetScript ActionContent
    NewAction.Description = "Check the calculator application and run next Action"
    NewAction.Type = "Reusable" 'Put non-reusable type to the new action
    Set aParamDefs = NewAction.ActionParameterDefinitions
    aParamDefs.Add "InParam", "An input action parameter definition", 0, 0, "Input Value" 'Add an input string parameter to the newly created action
    aParamDefs.Add "ResParam", "An output action parameter definition", 0, 1, "Output Value" 'Add an output string parameter to the newly created action
    Set resParamDef = aParamDefs.Item ("ResParam")
    resParamDef.Type = 1 'Put the boolean parameter type
    resParamDef.DefaultValue = false
    resParamDef.Description = "Result parameter"
    Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_NOT_VALID, "Validate Script Error", scriptError
End If


Public Function Load_Script(src)
    If Len(src) = 0 Then
        Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_TABLE, "Load_Script", "Script is empty"
    End If
    Load_Script = Split(Trim(src), vbCrLf)
End Function

Public Function Save_Script(script)

   If Not IsArray(script) Then
       Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_TABLE, "Save_Script", "Script should be string array"
   End If
    If UBound(script) - LBound(script) = 0 Then
        Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_TABLE, "Save_Script", "Script is empty"
    End If
    Save_Script = Join(script, vbCrLf)
End Function

Public Function Find_Line(script, criteria)
    Dim rExp, I
    'Verify that the first argument contains a string array
   If Not IsArray(script) Then
       Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_TABLE, "Find_Line", "The script should be a string array"
   End If

    Set rExp = New RegExp
    ptrn = ""
    If IsArray(criteria) Then
        ptrn = Join(criteria, " * ")
        ptrn = criteria
    End If
    rExp.Pattern = ptrn 'Set pattern string
    rExp.IgnoreCase = True ' Set case insensitivity.
    rExp.Global = True ' Set global applicability.
    I = 0
    For Each scrItem In script
        If rExp.Execute(scrItem).Count > 0 Then
            Find_Line = I
            Exit Function
        End If
        I = I + 1
    Find_Line = -1
End Function

Public Function Move_Line(script, curPos, newPos)
    'Verify that the first argument contains a string array
   If Not IsArray(script) Then
       Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_TABLE, "Move_Line", "Script should be string array"
   End If

   scrLen = UBound(script) - LBound(script)
    If curPos = newPos Or curPos < 0 Or newPos < 0 Or scrLen < curPos Or scrLen < newPos Then
        Move_Line = script
        Exit Function
    End If
    tmpLine = script(curPos)
    If newPos > curPos Then
        For curPos = curPos + 1 To scrLen
            script(curPos - 1) = script(curPos)
            If curPos = newPos Then
                script(curPos) = tmpLine
                Exit For
            End If
        For curPos = curPos - 1 To 0 Step -1
            script(curPos + 1) = script(curPos)
            If curPos = newPos Then
                script(curPos) = tmpLine
                Exit For
            End If
    End If
    Move_Line = script
End Function

Function Insert_Line(script, lineSrc, linePos)
    'Verify that the first argument contains a string array
   If Not IsArray(script) Then
       Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_TABLE, "Insert_Line", "Script should be string array"
   End If
   scrLen = UBound(script) - LBound(script)

   If (scrLen = 0 And linePos <> 0) Or (linePos > scrLen + 1) Then
        Insert_Line = script
        Exit Function
   End If

   newScript = Split(String(scrLen + 1, " "), " ")
   shiftIndex = 0
   For I = 0 To scrLen + 1
        If linePos = I Then
            newScript(I) = lineSrc
            shiftIndex = 1
            newScript(I) = script(I + shiftIndex)
        End If
   Insert_Line = newScript
End Function

Function Delete_Line(script, linePos)
    'Verify that the first argument contains a string array
   If Not IsArray(script) Then
       Err.Raise E_SCRIPT_TABLE, "Delete_Line", "Script should be string array"
   End If
    scrLen = UBound(script) - LBound(script)
   If (scrLen = 0) Or (linePos > scrLen) Then
        Insert_Line = script
        Exit Function
   End If

   If scrLen = 1 Then
       Delete_Line = Array()
       Exit Function
   End If

    newScript = Split(String(scrLen - 1, " "), " ")
    shiftIndex = 0
    For I = 0 To scrLen
        If linePos = I Then
            shiftIndex = 1
            newScript(I - shiftIndex) = script(I)
        End If
    Delete_Line = newScript
End Function

Public Function Move_CallAction(script, actName, newPos)
    curPos = Find_Line(script, Array("RunAction", """" & actName & """"))
    Move_CallAction = Move_Line(script, curPos, newPos)
End Function